Here's a long overdue update which includes the following changes
Secured Credential Support (5.0b3 and 4.0.2)
A major client-side security hole has been plugged. All applicable Feature Source editors now secure login credentials by default. Maestro will no longer create Feature Sources with plaintext credentials.
If your FDO provider uses login credentials but does not have a specialized editor, no worries. The generic editor also supports specifying secured credentials. A new "Set Credentials" link is available.
Click it and you get a new dialog that lets you nominate the username and password connection properties and their respective values. These values are saved to MG_USER_CREDENTIALS and are replaced in the connection properties with the %MG_USERNAME% and %MG_PASSWORD% placeholder tokens.
However, we still have problems packaging such feature sources (we lose the encrypted MG_USER_CREDENTIALS in the packaging process due to design limitations). The only workaround for packaging such feature sources, is the use the official method via the Site Administrator. New validation rules have been added to warn you about such feature sources.
Theme Improvements (5.0b3 and 4.0.2)
If you know how theming works, it's just taking a given rule and duplicating it a certain number of times with various different fills and/or border colors based on a given set of matching rules. To this end, Maestro now let's you use the first style rule as a template for generating the theme.
Live Map Editor improvements (5.0b3)
The Live Map Definition editor now shows all Layers and Groups regardless of visibility, which is important because you need to be able to "see" all the Layers and Groups that you can edit. Such layers and groups are greyed out to distinguish from the visible Layers and Groups.
The map viewer component also has many of the viewer enhancements ported over from mg-desktop, so yes! The Live Map Definition Editor can now do mouse wheel zooming among other things.
The mg-desktop wrapped implementation of the Maestro API now also includes a wrapper for the Runtime Map, meaning Map Definitions in a mg-desktop repository can now also be edited by the Live Map Definition Editor.
Other tweaks and enhancements (5.0b3)
The Point Feature Style dialog now uses tabs for screen space optimization.
For SDF and SHP Feature Sources, we now label what that file and folder buttons stand for
The status bar now shows the active connection, as some commands operate against the active connection and it helps to know what that connection is.
And finally, that bug is also fixed. You can stop asking about it :) And ODBC configuration works again for 4.0.2.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Sunday, 15 July 2012
New mg-desktop binaries (now with comprehensive sample code)
This latest drop of mg-desktop still doesn't do tiled maps (I've got a basic idea at the moment, which involves using BruTile), but it does have the following new features and fixes:
- Lots of internal traces added to mg-desktop. If you turn on internal trace logging in Platform.ini, your Trace.log should be filled with much more useful information now. Note that you only need to turn on internal trace logging if you need to do some serious debugging. This is turned off by default in Platform.ini
- Support for secured Feature Source credentials
- We do basic XML content validation with our implementation of MgResourceService. The checks are currently for well-formedness of content and that top-level element matches resource type.
- APIs in our implementation of MgFeatureService (namely GetClasses and GetClassDefinition) now work properly with extended feature classes.
- Plenty of viewer and component fixes
But the most important change is that the sample App Layout in the binary distribution now includes a comprehensive set of examples in how to use the mg-desktop API. Basically we ripped out the MapGuide Developer's Guide samples and stuffed them into the App Layout extension model.
The interesting thing about this was that the sample code was that it was mostly copy and pasted from the MapGuide Developer's Guide samples with the stuff replaced or removed, which goes to show the striking similarity of mg-desktop's APIs with the official MapGuide APIs, which is 100% intentional.
The source code for this sample extension is also available for download
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
A note about Maestro's Package Builder and feature source credential security
If you use Maestro to create packages, be careful when working with Feature Sources using %MG_USERNAME% and %MG_PASSWORD% tokens.
Because Maestro is 100% managed code, we do not have the ability to portably access the C++ logic that encrypts/decrypts the MG_USER_CREDENTIALS resource data element, which is used to store the encrypted username/password you specified when creating that Feature Source and is decrypted by the MapGuide Server when it needs to establish a connection to this feature source. This is mostly applicable to feature sources that have username and/or password as part of its connection parameters (ie. RDBMS providers)
This is the reason Maestro stores such credentials in plaintext as part of the feature source XML, which is understandably not secure. Until we have a solution for encrypting MG_USER_CREDENTIALS in pure managed code (ie. A verbatim .net version of MgCryptographyUtil with 100% matching behaviour), storage of credentials as part of the XML content in plaintext is the only thing Maestro can do if you ever want to be able to create such feature sources with it.
If you attempt to package such feature sources with Maestro, it will pack MG_USER_CREDENTIALS resource data unencrypted. Maestro does a series of GETRESOURCECONTENT and GETRESOURCEDATA calls to assemble the package. Doing a GETRESOURCEDATA on MG_USER_CREDENTIALS will return you the un-encrypted username (MapGuide Server will auto-transform such requests), this is what gets packaged by Maestro which is incorrect. This doesn't happen with MapGuide's packaging as it obviously works behind the scenes and can retain the encrypted form of MG_USER_CREDENTIALS
Having just said that, it is probably impossible "by design" to create a package client-side with properly encrypted credentials as the mere act of fetching the MG_USER_CREDENTIALS resource data will automatically give you back the decrypted version. If you ever get a MgDecryptionException trying to load a Maestro-created package, it is because that package contains plaintext MG_USER_CREDENTIALS resource data instead of the encrypted version.
As an interim measure, Maestro will have a new validation rule that warns you about such Feature Sources, so you know that you are dealing with this particular problem. If this issue (Maestro creating feature sources with plaintext credentials and creating packages such feature sources incorrectly) is a problem for you, your options currently are:
Because Maestro is 100% managed code, we do not have the ability to portably access the C++ logic that encrypts/decrypts the MG_USER_CREDENTIALS resource data element, which is used to store the encrypted username/password you specified when creating that Feature Source and is decrypted by the MapGuide Server when it needs to establish a connection to this feature source. This is mostly applicable to feature sources that have username and/or password as part of its connection parameters (ie. RDBMS providers)
This is the reason Maestro stores such credentials in plaintext as part of the feature source XML, which is understandably not secure. Until we have a solution for encrypting MG_USER_CREDENTIALS in pure managed code (ie. A verbatim .net version of MgCryptographyUtil with 100% matching behaviour), storage of credentials as part of the XML content in plaintext is the only thing Maestro can do if you ever want to be able to create such feature sources with it.
If you attempt to package such feature sources with Maestro, it will pack MG_USER_CREDENTIALS resource data unencrypted. Maestro does a series of GETRESOURCECONTENT and GETRESOURCEDATA calls to assemble the package. Doing a GETRESOURCEDATA on MG_USER_CREDENTIALS will return you the un-encrypted username (MapGuide Server will auto-transform such requests), this is what gets packaged by Maestro which is incorrect. This doesn't happen with MapGuide's packaging as it obviously works behind the scenes and can retain the encrypted form of MG_USER_CREDENTIALS
Having just said that, it is probably impossible "by design" to create a package client-side with properly encrypted credentials as the mere act of fetching the MG_USER_CREDENTIALS resource data will automatically give you back the decrypted version. If you ever get a MgDecryptionException trying to load a Maestro-created package, it is because that package contains plaintext MG_USER_CREDENTIALS resource data instead of the encrypted version.
As an interim measure, Maestro will have a new validation rule that warns you about such Feature Sources, so you know that you are dealing with this particular problem. If this issue (Maestro creating feature sources with plaintext credentials and creating packages such feature sources incorrectly) is a problem for you, your options currently are:
- Always use MapGuide/Infrastructure Studio to create and/or re-secure such feature sources. Of course if you don't have a licensed copy of Studio, you are totally out of luck here. You'll have no choice but to create feature sources with credentials exposed in plaintext in the XML content.
- Always use the official packaging method (ie. with the Site Administrator) for such feature sources to retain the encrypted feature source credentials.
If Maestro was windows-only, the solution would be easy as we can just use some C++/CLI glue to tap into MapGuide's existing encryption/packaging logic. SWIG and/or P/Invoke though portable is un-proven because getting .net code to call into a glue layer (whether generated by SWIG or a hand-crafted C interface) into MapGuide's encryption/packaging logic on Mono in Linux/Mac is a very tall order!
As you can see, this is a very complex problem with plenty of pros and cons on the current set of proposed solutions. Need to think about this some more.
Monday, 9 July 2012
MapGuide Open Source 2.4 RC1 released
Get all the information and downloads from here
This includes plenty of viewer (AJAX and Fusion) and schema report fixes from beta 1. Just like the beta 1 release, this does not include the ArcSDE provider. We hope to get an official FDO 3.7 release out before we put out the final release of MapGuide Open Source 2.4
Also here's a sight for sore eyes
Yeah, RC1 can serve working KML again!
This includes plenty of viewer (AJAX and Fusion) and schema report fixes from beta 1. Just like the beta 1 release, this does not include the ArcSDE provider. We hope to get an official FDO 3.7 release out before we put out the final release of MapGuide Open Source 2.4
Also here's a sight for sore eyes
Yeah, RC1 can serve working KML again!
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Using SQL Server Management Studio to preview WKT geometry
Here's a little trick I discovered with SQL Server Management Studio today trying to visualise some bounding boxes.
Since the 2008 version, SQL Server has has support for spatial data. This support also extends to associated tooling like Management Studio. Any query you run against a table/view that contains a geometry/geography column will also show the results visually in the Spatial results tab.
It also turns out queries that return adhoc rows of geospatial data also work in this fashion, for example the result of geometry::STGeomFromText(). These queries don't even have to be against actual tables/views!
These results can also be aggregated together using the SQL UNION ALL keyword.
And because the Spatial Results view can use any non-spatial column for labeling, you can also include arbitrary text as part of the select query to "label" each associated geometry.
Pretty nifty!
Since the 2008 version, SQL Server has has support for spatial data. This support also extends to associated tooling like Management Studio. Any query you run against a table/view that contains a geometry/geography column will also show the results visually in the Spatial results tab.
It also turns out queries that return adhoc rows of geospatial data also work in this fashion, for example the result of geometry::STGeomFromText(). These queries don't even have to be against actual tables/views!
These results can also be aggregated together using the SQL UNION ALL keyword.