Sunday 27 July 2008

FDO Toolbox v0.4

In the "Release early, release often" fashion, a new release of FDO Toolbox is available, this time with a version number jump to 0.4. The new features include:
  • Command-line utilities: A series of small utility programs that implements discrete bits of the FDO API. Consult the cmd_readme.txt file included for descriptions and usage examples (or wait for another blog post :-))
  • Coordinate System Browser/Catalog: You can now store and manage your coordinate systems. When creating a spatial context, you can choose to look up this catalog and have it auto-fill part of the form for you. All the coordinate systems are stored in a sqlite database (cscatalog.sqlite)
Until v0.5 is released or a new version of FDO is released, this release will be the last one to have a "Full" configuration (because I don't want to exhaust my google code quota, and I don't want you to have to re-download FDO over and over again ;-))

Go get it!

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