Tuesday, 5 August 2008

FDO Toolbox v0.5.0

The changes in this release are huge enough to make the version jump to 0.5

New Features

1. Non-Spatial Data Support

You can now connect to non-spatial data sources using OLEDB. You can inspect the structure of non-spatial data sources just like the spatial ones. You can also preview non-spatial data sources using SQL.

2. Database Merge/Join Support

This is the feature that justifies the version jump.

You can join data from a FDO data source with data from a non-spatial data source by a common set of keys, and write the result to another (new) feature class.

The supported join types include:
  • Inner Join: Only records that match on both sides of the join are written
  • Left Outer Join: Only records from the left are written, any matching records on the right are also written
The supported cardinals include:
  • 1:1 For each matching record on the left, at most one record from the right is written
  • 1:m For each matching record on the left, each matching record from the right is written
For this implementation, the "Left" side of the join is always a FDO data source and the "Right" side of the join is always a non-spatial data source. The target is always a FDO data source.

When using this feature please be aware of the following:
  • The target connection must support IApplySchema (because a new class is being created)
  • An auto-generated ID will always be created for the joined feature class.
  • Properties which are also identity properties, can be copied over, but they won't be copied as identity properties to the joined feature class.
  • A column prefix is mandatory if there is a name clash between the chosen properties/columns
  • The joined feature class is always created, so it must not already exist.
3. Other changes
  • New FdoUtil.exe commands: RegisterProvider and UnregisterProvider. Consult the updated cmd_readme.txt for usage information.
  • FdoInfo.exe: Minor improvements in output display for the ListClassProperties command.
  • New UI front-end for the Preference dictionary. You will need to restart the application for most changes to be applied.
Report bugs or feature requests

1 comment:

  1. This is great stuff!!! It's awsome! Thank's a lot!
