Tuesday, 11 November 2008

FDO Toolbox: Rebooted

Today I took off and nuked the site from orbit. After the dust settled, I landed a drop of the currently re-written FDO Toolbox into the now quite barren and empty trunk.

Here's a summary of what has changed.
  • The application now revolves around SharpDevelop Core. The decision to rewrite FDO Toolbox around SharpDevelop Core was an important (and quite easy) decision to make. Not only is SharpDevelop Core an extensibility framework, it also provides other helpful utilities like logging, file picking, unified resource access and other goodies. The application also uses the Text Editor component of SharpDevelop for editing of any text files (eg. XML feature schemas)
  • The application now uses FDO 3.4.0 (build G025), it will no longer compatible with FDO 3.3.x as it is using APIs new to 3.4.
  • Most of the UI components have been rewritten to be more cleaner and easier to maintain, with special mention to the Data Preview control.
  • The application is more friendly to localization as most hard-coded strings have been moved to resource files. There are still some strings floating around that will need to be moved.
  • The ETL API has been overhauled, the revised ETL API is based on Rhino ETL with modifications to support and handle geometries/features. The existing task infrastructure (UI and classes) is being rewritten to use this API.
There are still quite a few features from the previous version that have not made it into this version as I am still in the process of porting them over. You can now checkout or svn update from the trunk to see the current work in progress. For archival purposes, the 0.6.0 code-base now resides in a "legacy" branch

Here's some screenshots to tickle your fancy

The user interface (now with a toolbar!):

Add-In management using the SharpDevelop Add-In Manager

The new Data Preview control

Some small improvements to the Generic connect/create data store controls.

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