Tuesday 14 April 2009

FDO Toolbox v0.7.5 (codename: The big red button)

The Easter break gave me some time to give FDO Toolbox some attention, so here's a new release.

This one comes bundled with the just released FDO 3.4.0, which not only has newer APIs (some which this application uses), but also a much improved Oracle provider, and a more stable OGR provider, which just made it into the final release.

New Features / Changes:
  • As already mentioned, uses FDO 3.4.0 final release.
  • Express support for SQL Server 2008 spatial.
  • Schema editor now smarter in contextual mode. It will now prevent you from adding most features that may be unsupported by the current provider.
  • Protected properties (eg. Password) are now properly masked in the Generic connect and create data store dialogs.
  • ETL process now gracefully handle and log any errors that occur and continue execution.
  • CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) support, now you can Create, Read, Update and Delete from any FDO data source (support varies from provider to provider, of course)
  • Data Preview is now Data Query (because of the CRUD functionality)
  • Schema editor now reverts to using GeometricType (Point, Curve, Surface, Solid) instead of GeometryType. This is to workaround a missing API from the managed wrapper.
  • Thanks to Sphinx, we now have something that resembles user documentation :-)
  • Fixes for RDBMS-related defects in the Generic connect dialog
And finally, the reason(s) for the codename:
  • Bulk Update support. Be careful with this feature! A false filter can cause irreversible changes to your spatial data. This has a test function so you can see how many features your updates will affect.
  • Bulk Delete support. Be ESPECIALLY careful with this feature! Words in all caps and bolded cannot emphasise the potential destruction to your spatial data wrought by this feature! It is so potentially dangerous that you will have to click through 2 confirmation dialogs to actually do it! This also has a test function so you can see how many features you will be deleting.
Download away!

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