Sunday 7 June 2009

FDO Toolbox v0.7.7

It's that time... for a new release of FDO Toolbox. Some of the new features:

Custom file drag and drop handler support

You can now drag and drop the following files into FDO Toolbox
  • SDF, SHP and SQLite files
  • Feature Schema files
  • Saved connection files
  • Bulk Copy Definitions
Missing 0.6 features re-implemented
  • When bulk copying form a source connection to a target connect and the target connect has no schemas defined, it will copy every source feature class.
  • RunTask command for FdoUtil.exe re-implemented
Other new features
  • Schema Editor now supports Association and Object Properties
  • You can now run non-SELECT SQL queries in the Data Query view
  • Features that failed ot be processed in an ETL task are now properly logged with exception details and a textual dump of the failed feature.
Also, this release includes some major fixes:
  • Fix copy spatial contexts for SQL Server 2008
  • Bulk Copy now properly handles multiple feature classes
  • Bulk Copy now properly handles computed expression properties
  • Protected properties are now obfuscated in the connection tooltip, to not leak any sensitive data.
  • Invalid spatial context assocations in a Feature Schema are now handled gracefully when loaded and applied from a saved definition.
Finally this includes an updated FDO 3.4.0 distribution. This should have the updated OGR provider with an important refcount fix.

It is highly recommeded to get this release if you use the bulk copy feature a lot, as this fixes some major defects in that department.

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