Tuesday, 13 April 2010

New Maestro Feature: Load Procedures!

If a picture is worth a thousand words. Then this post is worth 5000 :D

You may notice that some of the UI elements in the Transformation section are disabled. That's because these features are not supported in Maestro, and are ignored when the load procedure is executed.

The motivation for Load Procedure support was simply to satisfy the use case of "quick and dirty" loading of SDF/SHP files into MapGuide with default (monochromatic) layer styles.

I will be posting a 2.1 preview build soon that will have this and much more


  1. Hi - it may be a long-tem goal but I would have thought that the excellent Export>SDF functionality from FDOtb could have been used here to create a more flexible, generic "load procedure" that could generate managed data from any existing .FeatureSource -- good stuff

  2. Anything that uses FDO is inherently non-portable using .net at the moment.

    Maestro runs in Mono, and this is one quality I want to preserve. So while it is nice to have these features ported over, I don't want to sacrifice portability to do it.
