Thursday 25 November 2010

A PostGIS Public Service Announcement

If you use PostGIS, avoid using the OSGeo.PostGIS provider. It hasn't been maintained for quite some time now and there are many un-fixed stability and performance problems that have made this provider unsuitable for production use.

Instead, use the OSGeo.PostgreSQL provider which is included in the 2.2 release of MapGuide Open Source (currently in RC), Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise 2011, AutoCAD Map3D 2011 and recent releases of FDO Toolbox.

The OSGeo.PostgresSQL provider is built on the same robust core as the MySQL, SQL Server and other RDBMS providers, and provides better stability and reliability than the old provider.

The OSGeo.PostGIS provider is not included in the next version of FDO. The next beta of FDO Toolbox will not include this provider, as it is using the next version of FDO.

So for those still using the old provider, take this as a warning to start migrating your PostGIS connections and layers in MapGuide over to the new provider before it's too late!


  1. Ok this is an old post but here I come:
    does FDO 3.5 works with postgis 1.5 and Postgres 9.1 ?
    I need to use Mapguide 2.2 against 9.1.
    I read of a (solveable) bytea problem (link). Thanks

  2. See the relevant notes at the time:

    Newer versions of the OSGeo.PostgreSQL provider (3.6, 3.7) should have better and wider support for the versions of PostGIS and PostgreSQL

  3. Hi Jackie
    I use Mapguide os 2.4 with all providers in windows 7 32 bit.
    but whene i would like to use mapguide maestro to create a feature source its give me this error:

    Unable to load the FDO Provider library '.\PostgreSQLProvider.dll

    i have postgres 9.0 and postgis 1.5

    i now that MG os 2.4 use fdo 3.7
    it is compatible with postgis 1.5
    or i must use other version?
