Saturday 18 December 2010

By your powers combined...

Since everyone at my company knows about it already. It's safe to tell the rest of the world.

I am leaving AEC Systems at the end of next week (and this year) after a 4.5 year run. There's been many ups and downs, but ultimately I am grateful to AEC Systems for giving me the opportunity to learn and ultimately allowing me to ascend in my career and knowledge (professionally and personally) to where it is today.

A New Year is the perfect time for a new beginning.

So starting early January next year, I will be joining forces with fellow MapGuide guru and PSC member, Zac Spitzer and his talented crew at Ennoble Consultancy for some fun and interesting times in the MapGuide/FDO/Geospatial realm.

Stay tuned. Exciting times are ahead for sure.

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