Tuesday 24 January 2012

Updated OSGeo Nabble archive link

Those of you who prefer a forum-based frontend to the mapguide-users and other OSGeo mailing lists probably had warning about the migration of the OSGeo mailing list archives by nabble.

Well, in addition to breaking every existing mailing list link (I bet you all the nabble posts I've linked from this blog are completely broken now!), the old archive no longer gives you the link to the new archive location. Real smart move by Nabble!

Well in case anyone is wondering, here's the new link before nabble took it down along with the old archive: http://osgeo-org.1560.n6.nabble.com/

What's even funny is the notice at the top of the new archive location

We have moved the OSGeo.org archives to this location. Please update your bookmarks.

And just who is going to be able to read that? Certainly not the people who have been inconvenienced by this ill-thought out move!


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