Sunday 17 June 2012

MapGuide Open Source 2.4 Beta 1 released

Get all the information and downloads from here

MapGuide Open Source 2.4 beta 1 comes in several flavours:

  • 32/64-bit Windows Installer
  • 32/64-bit Windows InstantSetup bundles, now as a 7zip self-extracting executable and half the size from the preview release as a result
  • 32-bit Ubuntu 12.04 deb installer
  • 32-bit CentOS 5.6 tarballs

Please note that this release does not include the ArcSDE FDO provider, because I don't have an ESRI sdk to build it. This is the problem you get for trying to support non-open geospatial data stores with non-open/non-free libraries! You could try using the ArcSDE provider dll from the FDO 3.7 beta 1 release, but this has not been tested and it is not a supported by us. You will have to wait for an official FDO 3.7 release for a newer ArcSDE provider.

Part 2 of the comprehensive overview is coming soon (it's in the draft queue)

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