Tuesday 9 October 2012

MapGuide Open Source 2.4 released

Here it is! The final release of MapGuide Open Source 2.4


The main change from RC2 is a long-overdue fix in the AGG Renderer to properly preserve PNG8 transparency (with a revised PNG8 quantization algorithm borrowed from MapServer), meaning you can finally have transparent PNG8 tiles and dynamic overlays! Many thanks to Bruno Scott for this patch.

The second main change is the introduction of NuGet packages for the MapGuide .net API, which will be a detailed topic for another post (see here).

The third main change is with regards to Fusion. For the longest time, if you needed to modify or fix a production Fusion installation, there was no easy way to rebuild the fusionSF.js and fusionSF-compressed.js files that incorporates your fixes and modifications. With the 2.4 release, we now offer a zip file containing the build.xml and supporting tools needed to "re-compile" a new fusionSF.js and fusionSF-compressed.js. All that is required from your end is to have Apache Ant installed.

It's been a long journey to get to this point (a bit too long!). Here's hoping the road to 2.5 is a much shorter one.

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