Tuesday 15 April 2014

Announcing: mapguide-rest 0.7

Before we continue our blogging journey into the rest of mapguide-rest's data publishing framework, here's the second release of mapguide-rest.

Here's what this new release offers

ACLs for published data sources

We now let you have some level of control as to what users and groups can access a given published data sources, which is important if you are exposing representations that support POST/PUT/DELETE operations and even more important if this is on a public-facing site. You don't want Joe Anonymous MapGuide user to be able to POST/PUT/DELETE to your data sources willy nilly unless you have configured such data sources to allow for such things to happen.

Consider this example from a recent post

    "Source": {
        "Type": "MapGuide",
        "FeatureSource": "Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Data/Parcels.FeatureSource",
        "FeatureClass": "SHP_Schema:Parcels"
    "Representations": {
        "xml": {
            "Adapter": "FeatureSetXml",
            "Methods": {
                "GET": {
                    "MaxCount": 500
                "POST": {},
                "PUT": {},
                "DELETE": {}

This configuration will now deny all users because no ACLs have been defined for it. A configuration like this

    "Source": {
        "Type": "MapGuide",
        "FeatureSource": "Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Data/Parcels.FeatureSource",
        "FeatureClass": "SHP_Schema:Parcels"
    "Representations": {
        "xml": {
            "Adapter": "FeatureSetXml",
            "Methods": {
                "GET": {
                    "MaxCount": 500,
                    "AllowGroups": ["Everyone"]
                "POST": {
                    "AllowUsers": ["Administrator", "Author"]
                "PUT": {
                    "AllowUsers": ["Administrator", "Author"]
                "DELETE": {
                    "AllowUsers": ["Administrator", "Author"]

This will define the following access rules:
  • GET: Anybody can access the data source
  • POST: Only the Administrator and Author users (and related session IDs) can access the data source. Everyone else will be denied access.
  • PUT: Only the Administrator and Author users (and related session IDs) can access the data source. Everyone else will be denied access.
  • DELETE: Only the Administrator and Author users (and related session IDs) can access the data source. Everyone else will be denied access.
Auto-API documentation for published data sources

Thanks to the integration of Swagger UI for our REST API documentation needs, and the fact that all published data sources will offer a "fixed" REST API to interact with it, we now can provide automatic REST API documentation for any published data source.

Simply append a doc/index.html to access a data source's API documentation

New REST API routes

This release includes plenty of new routes to play with
  • GET /library/{resourcePath}.WebLayout/viewer (Load the given Web Layout into the AJAX viewer)
  • GET /library/{resourcePath}.ApplicationDefinition/viewer/{template} (Load the given Flexible Layout in Fusion with the given template)
  • POST /library (Load a package file into the repository)
  • GET /services/getschemamapping.{type} (Get the schema mapping for a given FDO provider and partial connection string)
  • GET /library/{resourcePath}.FeatureSource/preview (Launch a schema report preview on the given Feature Source)
  • GET /library/{resourcePath}.LayerDefinition/preview (Launch a AJAX viewer preview of the given Layer Definition)
  • GET /library/{resourcePath}.MapDefinition/preview (Launch a AJAX viewer preview of the given Map Definition)
  • GET /library/{resourcePath}.SymbolDefinition/preview (Render a preview of the given Symbol Definition)
  • GET /library/{resourcePath}.WatermarkDefinition/preview (Launch a AJAX viewer preview of the given Watermark Definition)
  • GET /session/{sessionId}/{resourceName}.WebLayout/viewer (Load the given Web Layout into the AJAX viewer)
  • GET /session/{sessionId}/{resourceName}.ApplicationDefinition/viewer/{template} (Load the given Flexible Layout in Fusion with the given template)
  • GET /session/{sessionId}/{resourceName}.FeatureSource/preview (Launch a schema report preview on the given Feature Source)
  • GET /session/{sessionId}/{resourceName}.LayerDefinition/preview (Launch a AJAX viewer preview of the given Layer Definition)
  • GET /session/{sessionId}/{resourceName}.MapDefinition/preview (Launch a AJAX viewer preview of the given Map Definition)
  • GET /session/{sessionId}/{resourceName}.SymbolDefinition/preview (Render a preview of the given Symbol Definition)
  • GET /session/{sessionId}/{resourceName}.WatermarkDefinition/preview (Launch a AJAX viewer preview of the given Watermark Definition)
You can use the provided interactive REST API documentation to find out more information about these new routes

Improved HTML representation of the site repository

The default HTML representation of the site repository is very bare-bones and primitive.

With the power of Bootstrap 3, we've brought the HTML representation into the 21st century :)

Most of the resource options now show their results inline

Any Web Layout or Application Definition resources now expose new options for you to launch them in their respective AJAX or Fusion viewer

This is still experimental code, so standard disclaimer: use in production at your own risk.


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