Friday 18 July 2014

Announcing: MapGuide Open Source 2.6 RC2

The number of critical issues revolving around v2.6 QUERYMAPFEATURES that have cropped up since the MapGuide 2.6 RC1 release have necessitated a second release candidate.

Here's a list of changes since RC1:
  • Fix: Bad sample code and data in light of the Sheboygan dataset update.
  • Fix: v2.6 QUERYMAPFEATURES cannot append/update viewer selections via shift-click in AJAX and Fusion viewers.
  • Fix: v2.6 QUERYMAPFEATURES cannot handle dates before Jan 1, 1970.
  • Fix: GEOMETRY parameter in QUERYMAPFEATURES operation should be optional. QUERYMAPFEATURES should be able to accept a query geometry (via GEOMETRY) or an XML selection string (via FEATUREFILTER) when updating viewer selections.
  • Remove setselection AJAX viewer helper script which is made redundant with the above fix.
  • Fusion: Add int16 identity property support for search widget.
  • Fusion: Allow blank titles in print widget.
  • Fusion: Preserve inner stack trace (if possible) when reporting back un-handled AJAX errors.

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