Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Announcing: mapguide-rest 0.10

Nope, this isn't a 1.0 release. Not only are we not using decimal release numbers, but there's still plenty of things to explore and refine before we can put the 1.0 stamp on this thing. Here's what's new and changed in this release.

(Experimental) Cesium CZML support

We now have support for outputting feature data as CZML for consumption inside the Cesium 3D web viewer. Support for CZML is made available as a representation of a given Layer Definition.

For example, the following route will return data from the trees layer as CZML:


We've included a CZML example in this release that demonstrates the level of support that has been implemented for this release.

When selecting an object, its tooltip data will be shown in Cesium's information window if available.

Note the object itself has no selection indicator unless the object is a point. Still trying to figure out if we can apply a different style for selected lines and polygons.

If your Layer Definition has elevation settings applied, they be extruded if they're polygons

Now if the (experimental) tag didn't stand out, here's the current limitations with this implementation:
  • The following properties are preserved when converted to CZML, anything not listed can be assumed lost in translation:
    • Point styles: Point color is preserved. The point size in CZML is the average of the height/width of the point as defined in the Layer Definition.
    • Line styles: Line color
    • Area/Polygon styles: Fill color. Outline color
  • If a Layer Definition has multiple scale ranges defined, mapguide-rest will only consider the first scale range when outputting CZML
  • If a given point/area/line style is themed, the default rule (the one without a filter) is ignored
Data publishing improvements

The restcfg.json now lets you specify a Layer Definition as the data source instead of a Feature Source and Feature Class name.

Also, when using a Layer Definition as a data source, you'll get tooltip, hyperlink and elevation FDO expression pre-evaluated, allowing you to use such computed properties within your templates.

You can find a new example that uses the building footprints from the Melbourne dataset.

File download support

Most GET routes can now prompt for downloads by appending download=1 to the query string of the URL.

XYZ tile improvements

Vector tiles can now be for a base layer group or for a layer within the base layer group.

Just to recap, this URL route fetches a vector tile for a given base layer group in a Map Definition


If you want vector tiles for a specific layer within that group, you can use this new URL route


You can find a new Leaflet example that uses the single-layer vector tiles.

Other changes

  • Fixed bad download links in the resource data list HTML representation
  • Fixed invalid chunked file transfer behavior under certain conditions
  • Samples updated to use OpenLayers 3 final and Cesium 1.1

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