Tuesday 23 September 2014

MapGuide tidbits: Running 32-bit MapGuide on 64-bit Linux

We still don't have our mythical 64-bit build of MapGuide on Linux yet. So in the meantime, should you want to run the 32-bit CentOS or Ubuntu builds of MapGuide in their respective 64-bit versions, here's the packages you will need to have installed beforehand.

On 64-bit Ubuntu: Just install the ia32-libs package

On 64-bit CentOS: You will need to install the following packages:
  • glibc.i686 
  • libstdc++.i686 
  • expat.i686 
  • libcurl.i686 
  • pcre.i686 
  • libxslt.i686 
  • libpng.i686
This will satisfy the dependencies required by your 32-bit MapGuide, its bundled Apache HTTPD Server and PHP.

The bundled Tomcat and Java wrapper API has not been tested under this environment at the time this post was published, so to take a logical shot in the dark, you probably need to just install the respective 32-bit JVM package for the Tomcat and Java wrapper API to work. If it turns out I'm wrong about that, please do correct me in the comments below.

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