Thursday, 11 June 2015

Announcing: mapguide-rest 1.0 RC2

Here's the second release candidate for mapguide-rest 1.0

The main addition in this release is support for defining a "whitelist" in config.php that will restrict feature service APIs to only the specified operations and feature sources defined in the whitelist, allowing you to reduce the attack surface of your mapguide-rest install by only controlling API access to feature sources of your choosing. You can find a commented-out whitelist example in config.php that you can adapt to your own installation.

Other changes and fixes include:
  • Fix runtime map XML generation for versions of MapGuide that do not support CREATERUNTIMEMAP
  • Fix XYZ routes for Tile Set Definition resources
  • Support a bboxistargetcs flag that allows the bbox parameter of any feature query route to be declared in the coordinate system indicated by the transformto parameter
  • Display of error response stack traces can now be toggled in config.php
  • Fix invalid GETMAPIMAGE operation version in map image adapter
  • When doing a search result query via the data publishing framework, if the query produces a single result, the "single" view template will be shown instead of the "many" view template
  • When doing a search result query via the data publishing framework, if the query produces no results, the "none" view template will be shown instead of the "many" view template
I'm thinking there will probably be at least one more RC after this as there is still some more attack surface reduction work to do before I can confidently slap a 1.0 final label on it.


1 comment:

  1. Seems a few things are Broken
    I can't seem to work with the Session Layers at all

    Notice the double // in the error path is it just a programming error or am I reaching at this wrong?

    Resource was not found: Session:992fec6c-8954-11e5-8000-34e6d7096bee_en_MTI3LjAuMC4x0AFC0AFB0AFA//g_hydrants.LayerDefinition
    Resource was not found: Session:992fec6c-8954-11e5-8000-34e6d7096bee_en_MTI3LjAuMC4x0AFC0AFB0AFA//g_hydrants.LayerDefinition

    Also can't get it to work on the Library side either

    Same Error!
