Wednesday, 17 August 2016

React-ing to the need for a modern MapGuide viewer (Part 4): A necessary detour

Continuing where we left off from last time, we had something that was closely approaching our existing AJAX viewer.

Sadly, I've hit an impasse.

This viewer has reached a point where I must take a momentary and necessary detour to accommodate a change of architecture to make further development work more manageable. At this point the viewer was a series of components connected together through various event handlers. The encapsulating application component was turning into a big ball of event handler spaghetti trying to get various components to talk to each other.

Any React application that grows in complexity will eventually encounter such problems, and when such problems arise, it necessitates the introduction of Flux architecture to centralize and streamline application state. So if we're going to introduce Flux into this viewer, we might as well go with the best: Redux.

What sells Redux for me as the top-tier Flux library of choice for React applications is its jaw-dropping developer tools support. Just check out this video for a taste of the developer experience we get with a React application using Redux.

Or for something more relatable, here's our current viewer redux-ified

All our viewer actions are now dispatched to a central redux store where various reducers are in place to update/replace various parts of the now centralized application state, and in combination with the Redux DevTools, we get a live audit trail of all our application actions and their respective data payloads and state transitions. Our various redux-ified components then respond to various changes in this redux store to update/render themselves.

You may also notice that we've got our iconic zoom navigator on our map now. Notice how it's properly flashing the loading animation as the map is loading/refreshing? This is because it's connected to a branch of the redux store where the map viewer component is dispatching Map/SET_BUSY_COUNT actions to whenever our MapGuide image sources are about to start/finish a map image request. A non-zero value means show the animation (as one or more rendering operations are in progress), a zero value means to hide it.

That is the extent of the "wiring up" that our components need. Dispatch to update state, connect to listen and re-render against updated state. Redux handles and coordinates the rest.

The Redux DevTools also has a nice graph view that allows us to see our centralized application state in a nice animated graph (which also live updates with each action and change of state)

Can you imagine this kind of developer experience with our current viewer offerings? Not a chance!

This tree (and the values within) is what entirely drives and describes the state of the whole viewer application. This is what a Flux architecture gives us. A single and centralized source of truth about our application.

Can you imagine as well, the ease of reproducing an issue in this redux-ified viewer? You just export the state tree with the Dev Tools, and send it to the developer. He/she can load import that state tree and replay the whole series of dispatched actions up to the point of failure.

The process of redux-ifying the whole map viewer is basically splitting our various components into "smart" and "dumb" versions. The dumb components simply takes the props given to it and renders itself from that, whereas the smart components are redux-aware, wrap the respective dumb component and passes new props to it whenever their connected state branches are updated.

This redux-ification is still in progress, meaning things like the Task Pane (and its AJAX viewer API emulation) are currently broken, but once it's done we can continue onwards with a solid, robust and more maintainable foundation in place.

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