Friday 5 May 2023

The "I haven't forgotten about you $PROJECT" tour

As I said near the end of my MGOS 4.0 Beta 1 announcement, I will be momentarily stepping away from MapGuide development/maintenance to give some of my sibling projects in the MapGuide/FDO space some long-overdue attention.

So for the next few weeks, I will be embarking on the "I haven't forgotten about you $PROJECT" tour with stopovers at the following projects:


Next Release: 0.14.8

Objectives: This will be the last release in the 0.14.x series and the last release to officially support Internet Explorer.

MapGuide Maestro

Next Release: 6.0m12

Primary Objective: This release will have authoring parity with MapGuide Open Source 4.0 Beta 1
Secondary Objective: Assorted fixes and minor enhancements

FDO Toolbox

Next Release: 1.5.3

Objective: Some fixes for bugs and usability problems reported since 1.5.2


Next Release: 1.0 RC6

Yes! I am finally giving this project some very-overdue attention!

Primary Objective: Make sure it is compatible with PHP 8.1 that is bundled with MapGuide Open Source 4.0 Beta 1. Also doubles as a secondary sanity test of the new vanilla SWIG-generated PHP bindings, which is my main motivator for revisiting this project.

Secondary Objective: See if we can do this will still being able to support older PHP versions bundled with older MapGuide versions. If this is not tenable, we may need to branch codebases and make separate releases. I hope that this is not the case.

When I finish this tour, then I will be returning to get MapGuide Open Source 4.0 to the final release finish line

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