Wednesday 2 August 2023

Announcing: MapGuide Maestro 6.0m12

Next stop on the tour: A new release of MapGuide Maestro

This release includes the following notable changes.

Improved MapGuide Open Source 4.0 authoring support

This release improves the MapGuide Open Source 4.0 authoring experience with support for the new label justification setting for basic stylization labels.

This setting is part of the new v4.0.0 Layer Definition XML schema, whose .xsd file is now also included with this release (so XML validation against this schema will work)

Fusion editor enhancements for mapguide-react-layout features

This release includes several enhancements to the Fusion Flexible Layout editor to support various features that can be taken advantage of when loaded into a mapguide-react-layout viewer. These new enhancements are accessible from the layout settings panel and require the latest release of mapguide-react-layout to leverage these new features.

The Manage Custom Projections button opens up a new dialog that lets you manage and pre-register custom proj4 definitions for your application. By pre-registering these definitions in the Flexible Layout document itself, you can avoid needing to perform a lookup for any projections found in the viewer init process that is not EPSG:4326 or EPSG:3857

The Manage Settings button opens up a different dialog that lets you managed the app settings in the Flexible Layout document. These are arbitrary key/value pairs that your mapguide-react-layout viewer will be initialized with and your viewer code can read such settings at runtime to control and drive whatever custom functionality you may have.

Other Changes

  • Improved layer editor UI responsiveness when layer points to a feature source with a really large schema
  • Increased schema walk/describe timeout to handle really large schemas
  • Fix: Connection error dialog buttons are no longer cut off
  • Fix: Transactional package drag-and-drop loading works again
  • Fix: Broken rest addin due to missing RestSharp dependency
  • Fix: Fill/line pattern dropdowns in layer editor are working again
  • Fix: MgTileSeeder will now accept bounding boxes outside the [-90, -180, 90, 180] lat/long domain by clamping any outside coordinates to be within this domain.
Now onto the next stop: Finally giving mapguide-rest some long deserved attention!

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