Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Announcing: vscode-map-preview 0.6.0

This impromptu update fixes up Stamen tiles support to point to the new infrastructure managed by Stadia Maps.

Since we have to do this, we've taken this migration as an opportunity to add support for many more base layer types. 

The full list of base layers supported is now:

However, certain Bing and Stadia Maps layers will only be available in the base layer switcher if you provide respective API keys for these services through new configuration properties.

Don't like these base layers and want to bring your own? You can do that now too! If you have an XYZ tile set or WMTS service you want as a backdrop for your map previews, you can define such layers in your settings.json like so:

And they shall appear in the base layer switcher as layers you can switch to

This update also refactors the viewer HTML preparation by fetching the document (to be previewed) content on viewer init instead of embedding its content into the viewer HTML. This should improve responsiveness when previewing larger files, to the point that you can make out the new preview preparation message.

However, as I started to test this with bigger and bigger files, I eventually found a limit where the VSCode APIs will not cooperate with us. This limit is the point where VSCode will either not do syntax highlighting or tokenization or both and when we try to preview such a file, it will silently fail.

For this update, we will show a better error message on such files.

So for those who are hoping to use this extension to preview GeoJSON files whose size is in the range of gigabytes, sorry there's nothin I can do here 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ I think at that point you are better served by using actual GIS tools/software for this purpose.

Now this this update is out the door, it's back to mapguide-rest development.

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