Wednesday, 9 December 2009

FDO Toolbox v0.9.1

Here's a new release, with lots of useful fixes.

New Stuff
  • Added an express connection option for ArcSDE
  • The BulkCopy command in FdoUtil.exe now has a geometry flattening parameter (-flatten)
  • A "fix schema incompatibilities" option is now available when creating an SDF/SHP/SQLite files with a loaded feature schema definition.
  • You can now delete/update multiple selected rows in a Data Query result set. Same restrictions apply (eg. No identity properties in result set = Can't update/delete)
  • You can now have connection names with slashes in them, these are interpreted as folder names when saving to / loading from the session directory.
Fixed Stuff
  • When doing a partial schema save, additional checks are performed to prevent an invalid schema from being saved (eg. A unique constraint for a property that is removed)
  • Fixed the BulkCopy command in FdoUtil.exe to work with the new Bulk Copy API
  • Fixed the RunTask command in FdoUtil.exe where it was really possible for the wrong data source to be trashed if your copy tasks had DeleteTarget = true
  • Queries performed in the Data Query UI are now done using qualified class names. This should now work on data stores with multiple schemas each containing 1 or more identically named feature classes.
  • Fixed SQL Server saved connections not reloading on next startup
Other Stuff of note
  • Since we are now targeting .net Framework 2.0 SP1, I can now take advantage of some of the new C#3.0 features while still being able to target framework 2.0. As a result the project files have been migrated to Visual Studio 2008 format. You'll need msbuild from .net Framework 3.5 to build the source code if you do not have Visual Studio 2008 installed.
  • Data Query is currently broken in ArcSDE. I'm looking for a solution

1 comment:

  1. Thank's a lot for that great tool. I would like to know how to use the the WKT viewer in the Expression Editor.
    Thank's once again !
