Thursday 8 July 2010

MapGuide Maestro 2.1

After 2 preview releases, I am proud to announce the general availability of MapGuide Maestro 2.1

New features include:
  • Ability to preview feature sources locally (note that this is only enabled for releases newer than MapGuide Open Source 2.2 Beta 1)
  • Support for connecting via the official MapGuide API (a.k.a. Web-less editing)
  • Basic support for SDF and SHP Load Procedures
  • Site Explorer context menu enhancements (provided by Crispin from 1spatial)
  • XML editor find and replace (provided by Crispin from 1spatial)
  • Support for applying overrides to multiple coordinate systems (provided by Crispin from 1spatial)
  • Many bug fixes for LocalNativeConnection
  • Support for adding layers to a map by dragging and dropping them from the Site Explorer.
  • Open layer in Layer Editor when double clicked from the Map Editor.
  • Support for selecting DSNs in the ODBC feature source editor.
  • Updated french translation provided by Pierre Cardinal
  • New Croatian translation provided by Ivan Miličević
A comprehensive list of changes since the 2.0 release can be found here

2.1 represents the last release in the 2.x line that will have new features. Future releases in the 2.x line will be strictly bug fixes only.

New features and/or enhancement requests will all be moved for the 3.0 release

Download (msi)

Download (zip)

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