Saturday 6 August 2011

Announcing: MapGuide Maestro 3.5 beta 2

I'm happy to announce the second beta release of MapGuide Maestro 3.5

One of the interesting new features is in-place upgrading of resources to the latest schema version. You know that pale yellow bar at the top with that upgrade button that's always disabled?

It's now enabled, and when you click it it will upgrade the edited resource to the latest schema version supported by the MapGuide Server you're connected to.

Once upgraded, the editor refreshes itself and the new editor features for that schema version become activated.

This is supported for all resource editors. Currently the conversion is one-way (always to the latest schema version. I may look at converting to a specific version in a future release.

Other new features and changes include

  • Enhanced Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server 2012 support

  • Previewing is now enabled for Watermark Definitions

  • Map Definition support for re-ordering layer groups

  • Layer Definition editor now supports inline symbol definitions for composite symbolization

  • A whole bunch of assorted productivity improvements (too many to detail, but you'll recognise it when you see it)

  • The usual assortment of bugfixes

This is the last beta release before the final 3.5 release


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