Monday 15 August 2011

Announcing: MapGuide Maestro 3.5 final + SDK

I'm happy to announce the final release of MapGuide Maestro 3.5 and SDK

New Features from 3.5 beta 2:

  • Layer editor now supports multiple composite styles per scale range

  • New informative progress dialog for map definition extent calculation

  • New "Copy Resource IDs to clipboard" context menu command

  • New Symbol Definition Validation rules

  • Client-side support for transforming coordinates to WGS84.PseudoMercator. It should now be possible to change your Map Definition coordinate system to WGS84.PseudoMercator, and have the extents automatically transformed to match, and immediately usable in a Fusion Application Definition with a Google/Yahoo/Bing backdrop

New in the SDK is a new sample: StandaloneWebLayoutEditor. This sample illustrates how to use the Maestro.Editors library to re-use the Maestro resource editors from outside of MapGuide Maestro.

Download SDK

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