Tuesday, 17 December 2019

mapguide-react-layout dev diary part 22: It's story time!

With the major under-the-hood updates out of the way, it was time to tackle another long-standing item on my todo list. The ability to showcase the key components of mapguide-react-layout in storybook.

From storybook's home page introduction:
Storybook is a user interface development environment and playground for UI components. The tool enables developers to create components independently and showcase components interactively in an isolated development environment.
In the case of mapguide-react-layout, the motivation was to be able to leverage our existing gh-pages branch that currently hosts the project landing page and API docs to also host storybook to showcase the various react components that make up mapguide-react-layout as an [interactive playground / component documentation / pseudo-demo site] on GitHub Pages.

The major challenge to storybook adoption

Storybook has existed for quite some time now, so what was the major blocker to adopting storybook in mapguide-react-layout?

Namely, mapguide-react-layout would require a running MapGuide Server in order to properly showcase the viewer components. While I have no problems pointing storybook to a demo MapGuide Server if there was no other options, it shouldn't need to be a hard requirement. If we can intercept and where possible, mock the expected responses from the MapGuide Server, then it means it would simplify our ability to host storybook on GitHub Pages.

It turns out that it is indeed possible to "mock out" the MapGuide Server dependency:
  • The requests to the mapagent are done through a dedicated class. We just needed a mechanism to register an alternate implementation that can just return canned response data for certain requests.
  • The API for OpenLayers image sources allows us to register a custom "image load function". We can register our own image load function that intercepts the mapagent rendering request URL and using the HTML5 Canvas API, render out an alternate image that simply dumps out the key request parameters of note and export the rendered image out to a data URI to be assigned to the image element that OpenLayer provides.
The end result of this, is that it means we can showcase our map viewer components, but with the MapGuide Server communication bits mocked out and canned response data returned where needed.

We can showcase the map viewer component without dependency to a running MapGuide Server with the canned replacement image still providing useful information about what would happen on a real MapGuide Server.

Our test app def is set up with Stamen and OSM maps so that even though we're rendering a textual placeholder in place of the actual MapGuide-rendered map image, you still have some "real world context" that the Stamen/OSM base layer provides.

We can showcase the legend component by providing a canned CREATERUNTIMEMAP response of the Sheboygan map.

We can showcase our selection panel by providing a canned QUERYMAPFEATURES response.

And so on, and so on.

In closing ...

Storybook for mapguide-react-layout is now live on GitHub Pages. If you ever wanted to see or explore the components that make up this mapguide-react-layout and how they work without the need to spin up your own dev environment and/or a running MapGuide Server, we now have storybook for that.

It will be periodically kept up to date I'm guessing, with each new release in the future.

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