Friday, 27 June 2014

Announcing: MapGuide Open Source 2.6 RC1

Here's the first (and hopefully last) release candidate for MapGuide Open Source 2.6

Key changes from Beta 1 include:

Improved Ubuntu installer

Although we had to fall back to Ubuntu 12.04 as the supported version for stability reasons, we had time to at least improve the installation experience a bit with some more options.

You can now configure server IP and listening ports

And the listening ports for Apache and Tomcat

Updated Sheboygan Sample Dataset

The venerable Sheboygan sample data set has been updated:
API Documentation

RC1 fixes missing .net/Java API documentation for some constants which weren't formatted properly in the C++ code causing our API documentation transfer process to skip over them

Similarly, un-published APIs (ie. anything under EXTERNAL_API in C++ code) will now have warning labels in their respective API documentation telling you of this fact.


The Ubuntu build of MapGuide now uses CentOS-compiled FDO binaries to workaround stability issues with Ubuntu-compiled FDO. We'll be doing this for the foreseeable future.

Updated Sample Code

The various sample code that's included with the installer have been updated to not use any deprecated classes and methods in the MapGuide API and to fix various PHP warnings.

Similarly, Fusion and various applications in the web tier have also been updated in the same manner.

Fixes from Beta 1
  • Fix inconsistent results when making v2.6 QUERYMAPFEATURES requests
  • Fix bounds of selected features not being transformed to the Map's coordinate system in v2.6 QUERYMAPFEATURES, breaking functions like zoom to selection in AJAX viewer and Fusion.
  • CentOS/Ubuntu install scripts now set the proper permissions for the web tier temp dir
  • Fix some PHP deprecation errors in the Feature Source previewer
  • Fix broken links in Site Administrator help documentation
  • Fusion: Fix EPSG 3857 not being recognized in production mode
  • Fusion: Fix tiled maps not rendering properly
  • Fusion: Fix legend/map inconsistency with multiple base layer groups
  • Fusion: Fix PHP deprecation warnings in Selection.php
  • Fusion: Include XXE security hotfix
  • FDO: Fix incorrect SQL Server queries for layers with filters
  • FDO: Fix WMS provider not being able to connect to HTTPS services
If nothing show-stopping happens a week and a bit from this RC1 release, that's when we'll put out 2.6 final.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Announcing: MapGuide Maestro 6.0 Alpha 3

Here's the 3rd alpha release because I was tired of running my installed copy and keep finding out it's the previous release :)

This release has 2 main changes.

Firstly, the code base has undergone lots of breaking changes to support resources of unknown types. This was done to "future-proof" Maestro ensuring it can work with future versions of MapGuide that introduce new resource types. From the user-perspective, nothing much should change. If you're building applications with the Maestro API, expect some minor pain fixing up all the compiler errors.

In fact, let me extend that disclaimer to all iterations of the Maestro API that will be put out before 6.0 goes final. If an API looks crufty, we'll probably either tweak it, remove it or replace it and breaking applications as a result. As mentioned already, I intend for 6.0 to be my last major release, so if we have the opportunity to do things right (even if things break along the way), we should.

Secondly, in the similar vein of future proofing, the Map Group component of the Fusion editor has been re-designed. The UI now reflects the logical structure of the Map Group itself.

Adding commercial layers is now a case of picking the available layer types from the dropdown menu.

Note that the ordering of these items is somewhat important, as it reflects the draw order these items will be loaded in by Fusion. For all intents and purposes, the "MapGuide" layer should always be at the top and the external layer you want as the default backdrop should be the next topmost item after that. The other external layers can be in any order, as you will only ever be able to see one external layer at any time. Using this screenshot as an example.

OpenStreetMap with the Mapnik tileset, will be the default backdrop.

For custom external layers, you can use the Generic Layer option and edit the raw XML needed to initialize this custom layer.


Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Announcing: mapguide-rest 0.8

Here's a new release of mapguide-rest.

The main feature is the support for XYZ image and vector tiles. This feature is HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL and should not be used for production purposes unless your own internal testing has given you enough confidence to use this feature in a production setting.

Check the release notes for other changes
