Monday, 18 December 2023

Minor change of plans

There will be a slight change of plans in the MapGuide Open Source 4.0 release timeline.

Namely, the next release will not be the Release Candidate, but rather a 2nd beta release.

The main driver behind this decision is because of my intention to remove the recently introduced support for Mapbox Vector Tiles. While I initially had high hopes with this implementation, additional testing with data outside of the example Sheboygan dataset has revealed rendering issues I do not have the capability to address. Rather than ship a half-baked implementation that may never bake fully, I'd rather bow out while we still can, remove this immature implementation, and leave MVT tile generation to dedicated external tools.

A 2nd beta release will also mean that the other changes I want to get in will also have some time to bake before the Release Candidate stage.

I am hoping the 2nd beta release will be out late January in the new year.

Monday, 4 December 2023

Announcing: mapguide-rest 1.0 RC6

6 years later, I have finally put out another release of mapguide-rest!

The reason for finally putting out a new release (besides being long overdue!), is that I needed a solid verification of the vanilla SWIG API binding work for MapGuide Open Source 4.0 and mapguide-rest was just the ideal project that touches almost every nook and cranny of the MapGuide API. So if mapguide-rest still works with the PHP binding in MapGuide Open Source 4.0, that is as good of an endorsement to the reliability and readiness of these bindings.

For this release of mapguide-rest, it is compatible with the version of PHP that comes with:

  • MapGuide Open Source 3.1.2 (PHP 5.6)
  • MapGuide Open Source 4.0 Beta 1 (PHP 8.1)
Besides being compatible with the upcoming MapGuide Open Source release (and the current stable one), this release also adds a new series of APIs to perform various geo-processing tasks. All of which are available to try out in the interactive swagger API reference.

Special thanks to Gordon Luckett and Scott Hamiester for assistance in internal testing of many internal builds of mapguide-rest that finally culminated in this long-overdue release.

Now that this is out of the way, it is back to MapGuide development proper and getting closer to the 4.0 release.